Posted in 2018

A lifelong love affair🤩©️vcl

I started real work as I call it when I was 15 years old. I went away to a church run private school and paid part of my tuition by working part time in a book bindery. My classes started at 730 am till noon then I worked the afternoon 1 until 4 . Oh yes…and all day Sunday. I worked as a cover layer ..rebinding old and putting new books together. Covers were cut and glue (old horse glue) was melted in a machine that was plastered on the covers and another machine was used to fold and trim the corners and edges. I was so efficient at my job that I was asked to make the year books. It was a huge task. Oh and all the work was done standing btw. And the hot glue smell? …..phew , especially if you forgot and it started to burn!

Those years cemented a lifelong love affair with books because an added bonus to my job was being able to read the books that I was working on during my lunch breaks. Books of poetry, books about the world, history books, books of maps, and magic…… all kinds of books.

I have also noticed through the years that whatever work I have done involves a lot of reading…❤️.

There is a song that I heard as a child that goes “I’ll work till Jesus comes” and I joke that I took those words literally.

If there is a heaven…(and I believe there is) …this quote says it all… book paradise.

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”

― Jorge Luis Borges



A Wife, Mother, Grandmother with tons of experience in the arena called *Life* I love information, and endeavor to utilize it as practically as possible. I have worked as a Healthcare coordinator, HR Manager for over 26 yrs, and still employed (19 +years) as a Property Manager of a large complex (I joke that I’m the mayor of a small city). I have raised 4 children, one of whom (a daughter) ❤️has recently completed suicide,which has changed my life forever. I have 8 lovely grandchildren. I love to write poetry and short stories, cook, explore religious experiences and be in charge of stuff :)

7 thoughts on “A lifelong love affair🤩©️vcl

      1. I like asking this question to people who love to read. I always discover a new author. I’m going to read one of her books. Thank you! Have a wonderful weekend✨

        Liked by 1 person

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