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I Review Michael Kimball Writes Your Life Story (On a Postcard)



Kimball final cover copy

“I never expected strangers to tell me so much about themselves, so many things they have never told anybody else, but I found an unexpected intimacy in the postcard life story project,” writes Michael Kimball in the introduction to his new book, the aptly titled Michael Kimball Writes Your Life Story (On a Postcard). Kimball continues: “It tapped into something human and humane. I was continually amazed by what people told me.”

Kimball’s respect for the people whose stories he is telling comes through in his spare but descriptive prose, an economical rhetoric undoubtedly necessitated by the confines of his small canvasses. When I interviewed Kimball about the project, he told me:

There are difficult things at different stages of the process. The first difficult thing is asking the right questions for the particular participant. The second difficult thing is being representative when condensing what I’ve been told…

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St Patrick’s Day 2013~ The Limerick

leprechaun playing a violinToday was St Patrick’s Day, so we celebrated the wee bit O’ the Irish on my side of the family. A Tip O’ the hat to the Garvin kin!

Garvin  Name Meaning~ Irish: reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Gairbhín‘descendant of Gairbhín’, a personal name derived from a diminutive of garbh ‘rough’, ‘cruel fate’.

Lunch was a delight..little potatoes smothered in Salsa verde, green salads and succulent slabs of corned beef and cabbage rolls. When we thought we could eat no more,  out came the fresh applesauce cake with green whipping cream and lucky coins….mmmmmm. My guess is that if St. Paddy ate like this he was probably quite rotund lol.

We celebrated with a poem called a Limerick, also an Irish tradition.

Limericks are one of the most fun and well-known poetic forms. No one knows for sure where the name “limerick” comes from, but most people assume it is related to the county of Limerick, in Ireland. They are short, rhyming, funny, and have a bouncy rhythm that makes them easy to memorize.  My Grandson Ethan Hallex wrote this Limerick. Hat’s off to him too!

A Man Named Delete.

There once was a man named Delete
His name he would have to repeat
He liked to play Lego
With his pal Eggo
Which was his favorite to eat.

I wonder if Eggo was green? Hope your day was a fun as ours 🙂

Couldn’t resist one last limerick…….;)

There was a young fellow named Hall
Who fell in a spring in the Fall.
T’would have seen a sad thing,
had he died in the Spring,
But he didn’t—he died in the fall.


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Elfji ~ Chocolate


Sometimes an opportunity presents itself and it is too good to not find enjoyment in the experience. Recently I joined a Writing group called”Small Stones”. Everyone is realllllly encouraging as we present new writing, in particular “small bits” of mindfulness that we have experienced in our day. Various forms of writing are encouraged, and I have found it to be a *Heartfelt * experience. One example is the Elfji.

The Elfje, a Dutch poetry form is lots of fun: Just 11 words.

entraping me
but it needn’t
I read the label

Mmmmmm…I think I have a couple of pieces in my purse.