Posted in 2019, National Poety Month

National Poetry Month ©️vcl. Chaos

Chaos sits
On the edge
Of every
New day.

Chaos refuses
To ask
To join
The conversation
Just preys.

Chaos offers
Life in

Chaos never
Of its
Own accord
We chase
Butterflies away.

Art: Containing Chaos. (Michael Lang)

Posted in 2019, National Poety Month

National Poetry Month ©️vcl Eternity

Measured against eternity
How quickly does time fly?
And where is the end of It?

In the blink of an eye
My measurement has changed
The tape is skewed, my eyes blind

I am lost in the spring sunshine
Waiting for things that are no longer there
As I search for clarity in the light

I speak to the trees, the birds, the river
i speak to myself, and to those I love
Eternity feels like a long, long time.

(This pic was taken in Las Vegas.  The exhibit is Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Mirrored Room) it was a soulful experience.

Posted in 2019, God Thoughts. (Beyond Words)

Have faith, and keep pressing on ©️vcl

When words get stuck

and I have no lips

to You I’ll come

I’ll tell You

that something is missing

In me

You’ll tell me

That even if I shut the door

on your foot

I am to remember

that when I take you for granted

You will still be there



but in silence

a waiting that stretches

into eternity


Until I remember

The tomb.


#GodThoughts (Beyond Words)

art:by Guillermo Wright