Posted in 2019, 31 Days (Fiveminutefriday), God Thoughts. (Beyond Words)

Join Us. vcl ©️

Why am I telling you this O Holy One?

We drag our feet towards eternity

Where We understand We will be free


We cannot hide who makes us happy

How divine is forgiving?  We fear rejection

We suffocate in our imperfections


We beg to be released from the tortuous weight

Of our own burnt guilt

We mourn our fate


But sadness, well…..that lies in state

Disguised as freezing tenderness We wait

But the autumnal leaves fall so We celebrate


In a world gone mad…We pause…yes hold the hate

We take the time to make thanksgiving great

As We bow our heads and say a prayer


For We hope that you will join us here

We’ve grown accustomed to this place

Forgive us Father….We trust heaven can wait.




Posted in 2019, 31 Days (Fiveminutefriday)

The Gift. Vcl©️

Don’t make me grimace

Or speak Words not meant 

Just let me be surprised 

Astonished even

As I open the gift,  Lord

That you have given me 

In this day

I refuse to be an enemy

of the good

As I feel the cold air 

Ruffle my feelings

In this world of deaf people 

i just make a list of the things

You ask me to do and go

Tied up with a crimson bow. 



Posted in 2019, 31 Days (Fiveminutefriday)

Why I Write. vcl©️

Sometimes life seems just too much

I write as a beacon to tell others such 

For it’s not easy the road we tread

The signs we ignore, others left unread.

How quickly we arrive at the end of life’s course 

And we’re done, no time for remorse

What will you leave for those still in the race

As they gaze with expectation 

Upon your wizened face

Will your thoughts turn inward 

to salt in the sea

Or high fives at the pearly gate

Thus I write, for

Either option you’re free.

Posted in 2019, God Thoughts. (Beyond Words)

Remember. vcl©️

No matter who you are
Your story will include suffering

The hollow voice on the broken path
The stab to the heart that gives grief words

While most stand clear
Fearful to hear of sorrow’s wrath

Lest your mourning touch their funeral pyre
Of buried hopes, or broken dreams

Igniting flames of unquenched fire
Forget that you have stumbled, vision blinding

Faced dead ends, no need reminding
I just hope to God you get up again.

Posted in 2019

The Feeling Underneath. vcl©️

Dark and light

the night

Full moon bright

land of shadow and shapes

No escape

We are all accountable

not just comfortable

As the world disintegrates

we shout poems of the

Hopeful heart

jingle the alarms

Your home has been left unto you


Thoroughly imperfect this


crisis of the heart

Truth is lonely

thus departs.

Photo: Rebecca Bathory